Colt anaconda

The Mk. V revolvers from Colt anaconda company, such as Trooper Mk.V, Lawman Mk.V, first appeared in 1982, as an improved versions of the earlier Mk.III revolvers with same names.The improvements were not that radical, with major attention done to the trigger group: the main spring became longer, while the hammer path beccame shorter. This resulted in shorter lock time and helped to improve accuracy. Other improvements were less significant and mostly regarded to the manufacturing process.
Colt anaconda Anaconda revolver first appeared in 1990, and had been officialy discontinued in 1999, along with many other Colt anaconda models, but brought back in 2001. Technically, the Anaconda is similar to the King Cobra, but has bigger frame and cylinder to accomodate more powerful cartridges, such as Colt anaconda .44 Magnum and .45 Long Colt. The Anaconda revolvers featured 6 or 8 inch barrels with wented top ribs, full lenght underbarrel lugs and ajustable sights. Anaconda revolvers are made from stainless steel. Some Anaconda revolvers in .44 Colt anaconda were manufactured with factory ported barrels, to improve the control over the recoil. The Anaconda revolvers are intended primary for sport shooting and hunting, being too big and heavy for regular duty carry.
Colt anaconda
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